Monday, September 20, 2010

The New "In Western Lands"

My blog has a new purpose. I will (being the original being that I am) use it to ramble on about the books I read. I may post other rambles as well, but I have decided that I like rambling about what I read, and I like blogging for some random reason. So, why not?

Monday, September 13, 2010

A Sonnet

"What pain it was to drown"

Beneath the winds and waves of stormy night
Lies water cold but peaceful, in which I,
Recoiling from the thought of any fight
Might lose my soul to deadly fantasy.

Both corpse and open coffer lie below
And sapphires shine where once were living eyes
But, poetry-beguiled, I do not know
That metaphors incarnate are vile lies.

My mind and senses numb, I reach to touch
A coronet of gold on weed-wreathed hair
I pry a scepter from a corpse’s clutch
And will not recognize my need for air.

So that I’ll seek the true, immortal crown,
Lord, let me feel what pain it is to drown.